Independent editorial services by
Margaret Bendet
can be fitted to your immediate needs. Here is what I do best:
Memoir Coaching
You have a story to tell and you don’t know how to get started. Or you’ve finished your manuscript, and now what? You need a sounding board, someone who can critique what you have and assist you in analyzing what to do next. Helping people tell their stories is my expertise and my joy.
Copyediting & Developmental Manuscript Editing
Your manuscript needs attention before it goes out for review. Perhaps you could take this step yourself, but you’re too close to it. I can provide whatever level of editorial support you need—I can cut, re-facet, or polish your gem until it shines.
Ghost-Writing, Rewriting
You know what you want to say but you can’t seem to get it into form as a written piece. In collaboration, we could do it together. I can interview you and turn your ideas into an article or book that works—and is truly yours.
Business Communication Editing
When you have a professional editor read through your words before sending them out, you save your time, money, and reputation. You ensure that what you communicate in your name works for you. Having an editor on staff may be a luxury, but hiring an editor project by project is just good business.
Website Editing
Creating website content to describe your work deserves professional attention. Done well, website content can build a brand, close a sale, or strengthen client retention. Done poorly, it will cause you to lose your audience’s interest or trust.
Proofreading &
Fact-CheckingAs it turns out, spelling matters and so do all of those niggly bits of information you’ve used as illustrations. If they’re not accurate, it’s your reputation that’s on the line. Let me help you get them right. I’m fast; I’m accurate.

I can step in to edit your website content, co-create a white paper, or work with you on improving your writing. If you’re in the Seattle area, we can confer face-to-face; and if not, we can collaborate remotely.